This past Sunday, my kids and I decided to try a restaurant at Mosaic, Bartaco. I first became aware of it when I was standing in a very long line to meet Giada at Williams Sonoma and get my cookbook signed. As I was speaking to the other "foodies" in the line we discussed the restaurant and I inquired whether they thought it was as good as my favorite tacqueria, Taco Bamba? They said it was different. So all these months later, I finally got around to trying it. Well........I did not think it was that great to be brutally honest. The portions were TINY!
We first ordered salsa verde to start. It arrived with a large bowl of salsa but 4 small tostadas. See below!

I had to immediately ask for more chips! Growing up in California, it is still annoying to me that you have to PAY for chips and salsa at a sit-down Mexican restaurant. And then when it arrives and the ratio of chips to salsa is just plain wrong, so disappointing! The taste was good and it was a little novel to have the tostadas instead of just chips.

Next up the reason we came, the TACOS!
The tacos were set before us and they were the smallest tacos I had ever seen. I had to zoom in close to take a picture! They were gone in three bites! The server was right when she suggested ordering 5 - 7 per person.

For the finale, we ordered the churros with chocolate sauce. Again I was disappointed. Not a lot of flavor. But, on the positive side it gave me a reason to try making them myself. Boy were they better when I made them at home! So good in fact you can come learn how to make them in October with me during the Mexican Fiesta Class!

One aspect of the experience I did appreciate (which reminded me of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. restaurant so not a completely original concept) they have a card on the table you can put in the holder to let the server know you need them ASAP! If you are curious, here is the menu.
Take a look, but I still say TACO BAMBA IS THE BEST!